Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Observations (with slight reflections)

This morning when I was waiting for the 407 bus at the bus stop I saw two raccoons trying to cross Gilbert Road. The bigger one crossed successfully, but the smaller one tried several times. Everytime it tries, it would walk about one lane (Gilbert Road has four lanes); when it saw cars approaching from a far, it would freeze in the middle of the street (oh Mother Nature! What have you taught to your progeny?) and when it realizes that staying frozen is futile, it ran back to where it came from, instead of running towards the other side. After several attempts, the bigger raccoon, seeing the failure of its kin, decided to run back. What happened to them afterwards, I do not know.

* * *

Later in the morning, again, when I was waiting for the bus, the bus was approaching the stop, and as it approached the stop, the side mirror smacked a guy's head. It was frightening for a second. The guy seemed okay. But I thought that was kind of weird...

* * *

When school was over, I was, again, waiting at the 480 bus stop, and there were two people from Fairchild TV, who were out to shoot and interview people. The reporter came towards my direction, and interviewed the girl behind me. I do wonder: why not me? What was it that made the reporter choose the girl instead of me?

* * *

On the bus today, I was reading Ovid's "The Amores". Outrageous stuff, but perhaps a very good reflection of the Roman patriarchy, or even masculininity and sexuality in general. Catherine was laughing at me for reading "Roman porn"; Debbie was thinking how weird I am to read ancient porn (instead of modern stuff, I guess, where there are pictures). But Ovid is fun! Here are the opening lines:
Arms, warfare, violence - I was winding up to produce a
Regular epic, with verse0form to match 0
Hexameters, naturally. But Cupid (they say) with a snicker
Lopped off one foot from each alternate line...
So let my verse rise with six stresses, drop to five on the downbeat -
Goodbye to martial epic, and epic metre too!
Come on then, my Muse, bind your blonde hair with a wreath of
Sea-myrtle, and lead me off in a six-five groove!
This is just great stuff! No other poet writes like that!

Perhaps my sense of humour have much deteriorated by my intense studying of literature...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was it that made the reporter choose the girl instead of me?Maybe she was hotter than you?

Why is anything the way they are? Why was the universe created the way it is? Because if it were any different, we'd still be wondering why it is the way it is.


9:52 p.m.  
Blogger Minch said...

Ahahaha! Christopher took the words right out of my mouth :P The girl probably WAS hotter than u.

Anihow... i liked ur raccoon story.

5:51 p.m.  

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